Hello, 2014! You already know my name and I know yours. Your name is a tangled web of majesty and mystery all folded in, kneeded together, and currently rising.

I foolishly think I am prepared for you but we both know that I cannot even fathom what is in store. But, regardless of what I don’t know, I DO know His goodness and how He works in ALL of it. So, I will move forward in trust, anticipation, and above all, hope. I will make and pray upon my plans, but know, He determines my steps {provebs 16:9}.

I have devised a plan, but not one full of resolutions that I will undoubtedly fail. I have devised a plan inspired by an author and guided by my heart and soul. I will make decisions this year, keeping in mind 12 commandments rooted in who I am, how I want to improve, and the life I want to love living.

  1. Be Allegra {gift giver, acts of service, words of encouragement, note writer, music lover, thrifty}
  2. Keep A Record of RIGHTS {think about all that is good in a person or situation}
  3. Lighten Up  {laugh, be silly, weigh the level of urgency I feel with caution}
  4. Do It With & In Love {making lunch, folding laundry, running errands, doing chores remember LOVE}
  5. Run Toward It  {engage: with people, in relationships, in conversations, in the present moment and without fear}
  6. Spend Out  {serve others purposefully in ways that are Allegra in time & energy}
  7. Remember Me  {don’t forget myself in the process of giving to others; give myself guilt-free time & attention knowing that my happiness effects those I love as much as it effects me}
  8. Do It Now   {do not put off what I can do now}
  9. Help is Good  {admit imperfection, ask for help when I need it, & say “I’m sorry”}
  10. Use My Voice  {share my opinions knowing they don’t change someone’s love for me, fear not the power of speaking up in love}
  11. Act Gently   {know the nature of my husband, my children, and those I love – walk gently with my words and actions toward them in all situations}
  12. Carry Peace  {forgive without being asked: let it go, heal with forgiveness toward self and others}
  13. Each commandment carefully considered, borrowed from the drive of another, and/or derived from exhausted thought. Regardless of where 2014 plans to go, I can be me in my truest form and in the desire to be better one decision at a time.