If opposites attract is indeed true, then I would say my husband and I fit that rule. He is essentially extremely strong in the areas I am relatively weak. Having those differences can be an incredible blessing, or feel like a wicked curse, throughout marriage.

I would say that I come from a long line of Type A personality people. To get down to brass tacks here, Wikipedia defines Type A personality as “ambitious, aggressive, rigidly organized, controlling, highly competitive, status conscious, arrogant, proactive, and obsessed with time management.” I am going to go out on a thin limb here and call this an unflattering description.  While Type A sounds mentally unstable yet, I’ll call it, focused, the flip side is Type B. Type B personality people (more like my husband & his devilishly handsome lineage) are described by Wikipedia as, “generally apathetic, patient, relaxed, easy-going, no sense of time schedule, having the organisation skills of a potato, and at times lacking an overriding sense of urgency. These individuals tend to be sensitive of other people’s feelings”.

So yah, I’m a little Type A and he’s a little Type B and sometimes we find it awesome & other times it’s a challenge. Where my Type A has come in handy for me, however, is in the house.  While some may be overwhelmed by the idea of having a cleaning schedule, I’m pretty much in love with it.  I had been trying to establish my own when I (like magic!) discovered this! This cleaning schedule is so easy & yet productive that I am actually feel FREED by it! A few chores in the morning, a few in the evening and no more constant mental stress of WHEN will I do this and WHAT needs to be done. At any given time, you can walk in my house and find imperfection (It’s life), but overall, I need order, routine, and “pretty” around me. Hiring someone to clean my house isn’t an option, but making my home clean is.

Do you find routines helpful? If so, what routines give you the most peace and love in your home and for your self??