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Last week I was invited to lunch with a woman I had never really met other than a passing hello. As my husband is now employed by a church and I have sought and feel a prompting to serve in my own ways, I also feel obligated to stretch socially and it’s not completely comfortable Continue Reading

I’ve always loved the rain. Down to the core of me I love what it does, how it feels, and the way it sounds. Rain gives reason to my love of stillness, grants purpose to my preference of solitude, and cultivates a womb in which I can live both productively and peacefully. I love that Continue Reading

I have been amazingly blessed to make the friends I have since moving to Portland. Not only did I seem to make these incredible connections that have lasted, we all share this common thread of being mom’s who create. This week, the three of us decided to come together and do something BIG! ….  REALLY Continue Reading

Kindergarten has been a real awakening for me as a mom. I knew the world was going to get bigger for my son,  but I wasn’t {am not} really ready for it. It has been as many firsts for me as it has been for my boy and we are both taking it as it Continue Reading

One of my favorite things to do is make a dollar stretch and SAVE money. When I was introduced & invited into a private community FaceBook page that allowed me to both SAVE money & MAKE money, I became addicted! I think every community should have one. A group of women came together to act Continue Reading

My heart has been stirring this weekend with happiness. I have these random moments where I would catch myself smiling and the smile connected to my heart. The connection created this feeling that I’ve had on repeat since moving to Oregon: thankfulness. I haven’t written a lot about my happiness. Ever. Writing came more naturally Continue Reading

Wednesday brought it’s afternoon mommy-hurts over my son’s first school-teasing. And for for whatever hurt I felt that day, Thursday’s feelings of praise & thanks far out weighed Wednesday. Only God can do that. Thursday morning we awoke to tantrums. There was an utter and downright resistance to getting ready for school that resulted in tears, Continue Reading

My oldest started kindergarten a week ago Some mom’s said they cried, but I didn’t.  I thought I would, but it didn’t happen.  I watched my guy walk into class, find his place and become his own. My husband and I talked about it and why there weren’t tears.  We did that with him years Continue Reading

i read a quote recently that made me sit and reflect & still is, i started to replay my recent interactions with people: what would my kids think about the way i talked to them today? what would my husband think about the attention i gave him today? i replayed it down to the gas attendant, Continue Reading

I listened to a sermon by Rick Warren awhile ago titled “Making The Hard Changes In Me.” One of the main guiding questions of the message was, “Why is is to hard to change myself?” I listened & it resonated with my heart. My defects come from three main places: 1. Biological – my genetics Continue Reading