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It happens when you can’t even think anymore. When you’re out of questions, out of possibilities, out of the energy to imagine. The truth. It cracks like thunder on a still, warm night. You clutch the sheets that hold you safe and inside every inch of you falls to your knees. You know what’s next Continue Reading

In all honesty, it has taken me a couple decades to figure out the truth behind making my SELF a priority in the equation of things that need to be done and on the list of to-do’s. I have been in quite an interesting season of life for nearly the past year and a half, Continue Reading

Writer’s block is one way of putting my thought process into a phrase. It’s been MORE than what I can’t get to come out of my fingers though, it’s been what I can’t get my heart to retain, my ears to hear & my will to obey. I have been utterly…defiant. 2012 & 2013 have Continue Reading

in order to survive…to keep pushing through…. dreaming is entirely necessary. i live in a day dream world of all the places i want to be all the places i want to go. i have a gypsy spirit with first class taste and a babysitter’s budget. i have been spoiled beyond words to see so Continue Reading

Here are some things I have always known about myself I like to write.  It’s like therapy for me. My moment to clear my head, my heart, & my space. It’s where I share uninterrupted, expect no one to really be listening & yet have no problem if people discover it because I am in Continue Reading

If opposites attract is indeed true, then I would say my husband and I fit that rule. He is essentially extremely strong in the areas I am relatively weak. Having those differences can be an incredible blessing, or feel like a wicked curse, throughout marriage. I would say that I come from a long line Continue Reading

Since I was a little girl, I had a big dream. While some girls wanted to be ballerinas, I wanted to be a CEO. Corporate America was where I belonged.  I wanted to own and run my own business, drive a BMW, live in a Pottery Barn home, and sip white wine by the fire Continue Reading

I have been married for 7.5 years and one of the greatest lessons I have learned since having two children is this: the investment with the best return is the the investment in date nights! Early on, my husband and I were discipled in the area of finances and that included budgeting. There hasn’t been Continue Reading